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Tatia L. Gordon-Troy, Esq.
6 min read
Want to effect change within your association? Seek buy-in, you’ll need it!
The membership of some associations isn’t always quick to embrace change, and in my experience, attorneys especially tend to move pretty...

Tatia L. Gordon-Troy, Esq.
4 min read
Write better briefs, better articles with CCS: Clarity, Comprehensiveness, and Strategy
As first-year law school students, we learned the fundamentals of legal reasoning and analysis, research, and the basics of persuasive...

Tatia L. Gordon-Troy, Esq.
5 min read
Five ways attorneys can use their writing skills to attract new clients
In law school, we were taught how to write legal memoranda, client letters, and advocacy briefs. Those skills are vital as part of law...
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