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Tatia Gordon-Troy
2 min read
Understanding Web Speak
For those of you who are developing a website or revamping one, there are some terms you might not be familiar with but are vital to your...

Tatia Gordon-Troy
3 min read
Remove Yourself from the Center of Your Law Firm: Think Like a CEO
You’re a solo practitioner and you run a lean practice. You rarely, if ever, seek help from others. In fact, you seem to prefer doing...

Tatia Gordon-Troy
3 min read
It’s All About the Benjamins: Ways to Earn Your Client’s Fee
Recent reports show that lawyers spend only 2.3 hours in an eight-hour work day on billable tasks. Some lawyers even say they spend less....

Tatia Gordon-Troy
3 min read
Blogging for Lawyers: Not for the Faint of Heart
Did you know that most people Google a legal issue before calling an attorney? That’s because people want to educate themselves first....

Tatia Gordon-Troy
3 min read
Stop Practicing ‘Door’ Law: Define Your Ideal Client, Define Your Practice
You experience it every day, but you just can’t find the words to describe it. It’s the thing that’s been keeping your law practice...

Tatia Gordon-Troy
3 min read
Getting Published: Writing to Position Yourself as an Expert
We all know that attorneys are taught to think, speak, and write logically and analytically. But as an attorney, what if you could use...

Tatia Gordon-Troy
3 min read
Maximizing Your Social Media Presence
Social media marketing demands more than just the occasional post or advertisement; in fact, it’s become so complicated it could be...

Tatia Gordon-Troy
3 min read
No Room for Negotiation: The Rigid Realm of Publishing
Attorneys have been known to write more than the occasional appellate brief. Many are accomplished authors with several fiction books to...

Tatia Gordon-Troy
2 min read
Is Your Law Practice a Business or Just a Side Hustle?
As part of my business, I attend numerous attorney networking events, and I am astonished as to the number of solos I meet who do not...

Tatia Gordon-Troy
3 min read
Publishing in Periodicals? Follow These Steps
Getting published is a rewarding way to educate your readers, establish yourself as a thought leader, and gain free promotion. Submitting...

Tatia Gordon-Troy
6 min read
Content, Consistency, Engagement: The Makings of a Solid Social Media Strategy
Social media platforms have changed the way people choose lawyers. Gone are the days when someone in search of a lawyer reached for the...

Tatia Gordon-Troy
2 min read
Is Your Online Face Bringing in Clients or Sending Them Away?
Today, your website is your “online face.” It is your firm’s introduction to the world.

Tatia L. Gordon-Troy, Esq.
4 min read
Self-Publishing by the Numbers: ISBNs, LCCNs, PCNs, Oh My!
Among the legal notices, marketing spiel, and publisher contact information typically found on a book’s copyright page, you will also...

Tatia L. Gordon-Troy, Esq.
3 min read
How Many ‘Selves’ Does It Take to ‘Self’-Publish?
Self-publishing isn’t “self” publishing. It’s a misnomer, really. The word “self” in self-publishing gives the impression that an author...

Tatia L. Gordon-Troy, Esq.
2 min read
Do You Have a Book in You?
Today, a book is whatever you make it. Do you have 50 pages of expert advice you’d like to share with your audience? Guess what? That’s a bo

Tatia L. Gordon-Troy, Esq.
3 min read
Preparing for your first photo shoot? Ten tips for making it a success
Visit any number of law firm websites and you’ll find professional head shots of the partners, associates, and even the administrative...

Tatia L. Gordon-Troy, Esq.
4 min read
Lawyers: Boost Your Online Presence
If you’re not one of these lawyers who has seized the day by offering education and information via the web, you’re way behind. Now’s the ti

Tatia L. Gordon-Troy, Esq.
4 min read
Raise Your Personal Bar: Write a Book
Today’s self-publishing industry is a force to be reckoned with. In a recent report issued by Bowker, the U.S. ISBN agency, ISBN...

Tatia L. Gordon-Troy, Esq.
4 min read
Five Things Attorneys Should Know About Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing
Attorneys have been known to write more than just the occasional appellate brief. Many are accomplished authors with several books to...

Tatia L. Gordon-Troy, Esq.
5 min read
Help, my job is making me sick! Four simple ways to beat stress before it impacts your life
Not feeling well? That sick feeling in the pit of your stomach could be caused by the flu or it could be caused by your job. Sounds a...
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